Why was mybreastscreening.ca created?
Dense Breasts Canada and women’s health advocates across Canada have teamed up to launch mybreastscreening.ca to educate and empower women about breast screening. Accurate, current and relevant information empowers women to make the best decisions for their health.
Breast cancer screening saves lives. Early detection means less aggressive treatments and surgeries. But serious gaps exist between the Canadian breast screening guidelines, provincial screening program practices, and the latest research by breast cancer experts. Women are left confused, conflicted and unable to access the best possible screening.
These women are our mothers, daughters, wives, sisters, aunts, and grandmothers. They’re our work colleagues, workout buddies, trusted advisors and friends. These women are US. WE deserve better information about breast health and options for screening.
Our goals.
To help women be proactive about their breast health, navigate their provincial screening program and have informed conversations with their health care providers. Our quiz, website and Comprehensive Guide to Screening in Canada provide information, current evidence, and expert recommendations to help you #bebreastinformed.
To highlight inequities in breast cancer screening across the provinces, advocate for healthcare reform at the federal and provincial levels and encourage women to advocate for improved practices.
To build a community of women, health care providers, breast screening experts, breast cancer survivors and passionate supporters. We’re listening to your stories. We want to hear the breast cancer screening experiences of Canadian women so we can make real and meaningful changes.

Help advocate for better screening
in your province.
The many variations in breast cancer screening practices across the country result in unequal access and unequal standards of care. Early detection of breast cancer should not depend on your postal code.
Click on your province for a customized letter to send to your Provincial Health Minister.
Is optimal breast cancer screening accessible in your province/territory?
Screening in the 40s can be lifesaving. As of Feb. 2025, six provinces allow women to self-refer for a mammogram at 40: BC, PEI, YT, NS, ON, NB.
In AB and NWT, you can self-refer at 45 or after your first screening, ages 40-45.
NL will start self-referral in March 2025.
SK lowered age to 47 in Jan 2025 and will be at 40 in 2026. MB will lower the age to 45 in Dec 2025 and 40 in Dec 2026. Quebec is under review.
Cancers in the 40s can grow aggressively, but only in PEI, NS, YT, and AB can women self-refer for mammograms annually.
All women are directly informed of their breast density in their results letter in: BC, NS, AB, MB, PEI, NB, YT, NWT and ON. NL will begin in 2025. In SK and QC, the density category can be found in the patient's online health portal.
Only seven provinces ask women with the highest category of density to return for a mammogram every year instead of every two years: ON, PEI, NL, SK, NWT, NS, and YT.
Click here to see how your province compares.