Joycelyn’s Story
February 11, 2022

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A routine mammogram led to the finding of an early-stage cancer, preventing her from needing a mastectomy and chemotherapy.
On June 10th, 2021, I went in for my routine mammogram. First thing in the morning on June 11th, I received a call from the hospital advising that further diagnostics were required as there was an area of “concern” in my right breast. A more detailed diagnostic mammogram was completed on June 25th, which was followed by an ultrasound. After the ultrasound was complete and while on the examining table, the radiologist came in to speak with me. I already knew something wasn’t right as the ultrasound technician kept going over the same spot. The radiologist highly recommended a biopsy, and luckily, he had an opening at that moment to complete one. So, 20 or so minutes later, I was prepped for the biopsy. I was a bundle of nerves and definitely had all sorts of thoughts going through my mind. I received these results from my surgeon on July 6th. I had cancer!!!!
I was diagnosed 2 months after I turned 53. Luckily my cancer was caught early. Stage 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma. Surgery was scheduled for July 22nd, which included a wire localization (a wire is inserted into the tumour for the surgeon) a sentinel node biopsy and a lumpectomy. The pathology reports came back 2 weeks later which showed that my lymph nodes were clear of cancer. The tumour was still considered stage 1 as it measured 1.7 cm. My next pathology report would arrive September 7th, after my cells were sent to California for the Oncotype test. I luckily scored low, (10) and therefore would not benefit from chemotherapy, but I would start taking Tamoxifen right away, for the next 5 years as my cancer was estrogen positive. On September 22nd, I started my 20 rounds of radiation therapy with a completion date of October 20th. I am well on my way to a full recovery. I will always be very thankful for the early detection of my cancer and the quick treatment. My outlook for a long a healthy life is a good one. Early detection is key!